Those who desire and are qualified can be licensed and ordained through the Ministry under the covering of Healing Souls Ministry. Licensure lasts as long as you remain active in a legitimate chaplaincy ministry.
Why you should become an ordained chaplain through PIMI ; Official ministry credentials through Providence InternationalChaplains Ministries, Inc.
• Ecumenical endorsement … licensed chaplains have more ministry opportunities due to the fact that institutions are looking for endorsed professionals. Members receive not only an ordination certificate but also a certificate of licensure suitable for framing.
• A code of ethics that is both professional, and biblical. : ( The following job descriptions explain and show the wide variety of ways you can serve as a chaplain)
PUBLIC SAFETY CHAPLAINCY: is a truly interesting and rewarding ministry. As a public safety chaplain you would work within law enforcement agencies such as police, fire and sheriff’
HOSPICE CARE CHAPLAINS: Hospice care ministry is a very special chaplaincy. It is very important that Hospice Care Chaplains learn to develop their faith based skills when working with those who are dying and their families. He/She should know how to effectively communicate with those who are dying as a Hospice Care Chaplain.
PRISON CHAPLAINS: Prison chaplains need to have an ability to: (A) Provide references for the scriptural mandate for prison ministry. (B) Explain why believers should be involved in prison ministry. (C) Articulate the spiritual goals of jail and prison ministry. (D) List the social goals of jail and prison ministry.(E) Summarize what the Gospel has to offer prison inmates. (F) Determine your role in prison ministry.
DISASTER RELIEF CHAPLAINS: As a disaster relief chaplain it’s essential that you embody an ability to communicate through the use of proper training. You should be able to understand how to effectively communicate as a disaster relief chaplain.
NURSING HOME CHAPLAINS: Nursing home chaplaincy has been overlooked by most chaplains and ministers for the same reason that many of their families stop visiting them over a period of time, it can be heartbreaking and stressful. Nursing home chaplaincy is a ministry working with elderly people who are often confused, depressed and in many cases dying. Nursing home chaplains have to be dedicated, serious, understanding, and have the love of Christ in their hearts to reach out to those who are coming to the end of their lives. Human touch and loving kindness can help make their day to day lives more worthwhile.
CRISIS COUNSELING CHAPLAIN: Understanding the need for pastoral crisis counseling has become very important since 911, plus all the disasters, suicides and climbing crime rate the last several years. Our Law enforcement departments, fire departments, court systems and many other institutions in our country will be in need of more and more trained crisis counselors in the future.
DOMESTIC ABUSE CHAPLAIN: needs a working knowledge of domestic violence skills training, in order to help members of their ministries, churches and communities. Over four million women in this country suffer some kind of violence at the hands of their husbands or boyfriends each year. Very few will ever tell anyone – a friend, a relative, a neighbor, or the police. Victims of domestic violence come from all walks of life, all cultures, all income groups, all ages, all religions. They share feelings of helplessness, isolation, guilt, fear, and shame.
ProvidenceInternationalChaplaincyMinistries is a non-denominational Christian organization. Our goal is to qualify and recognize those seeking ministerial documentation and an Ordination or Certificate of Title as chaplains. We know by building up and strengthening the Christian church we are doing what God has called us to do.. God does the ordaining! We just supply the legal documents that man requires. Becoming ordained can open many doors for ministerial opportunities worldwide.We advocate Freedom of Religion, seeking answers through study, prayer, and guidance by our Lord Jesus Christ and the Scriptures. Having great love and admiration for each other without respect for wealth, race, gender,age, social status, or doctrinal differences. We are committed to seeking God’s will in our lives and then faithfully dedicating our life to the service of Jesus Christ so we can be helpers in the Joy of Salvation.
As an Ordained Chaplain you will be able to accomplish God’s calling in your life. Ordination gives you the credentials needed to be able to minister to the Church at large and to bring hope throughout the world. Ordination helps you to minister in areas where the normal lay person may not be able to go